The Vamoose mission is to deliver power-assist-bicycles
that will rejuvenate and recharge YOU!
Whether you are 25 or 75, Vamoose cycles will give you a joy you might not have felt since your very first pedal bike experience. That feeling of freedom, excitement and energy will continue to increase as you ride, with adrenaline tingling, as you find it difficult to wipe that big beautiful goofy grin off your mug.
That is what drives us, that big goofy grin.
Seriously, from our iconic t-shirts to our ridiculously fun to ride electric cycles, that is what we are here for.
It will make you healthier. There is ample evidence out there that cycling commuters have substantially lower risk of developing heart disease and of developing cancer - yes, substantially, as in 46% and 45% respectively. But that's not all, in today's world of social distancing, getting off the bus or transit system and on a bike may be the smartest choice you could make. If your mental and physical health weren't enough, you are also helping the environment. According to the United Nations, riding an electric bike saves carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer vs. driving a vehicle, which can help limit the impact of climate change.
We sell great bikes for a great price.